The first thing that catches your eye when you read the works of Irina Bolotina is the ability to elevate the painter’s own experience to the rank of art history problems. Bolotina is well versed in how this or that picture is made, what are not general, but specific pictorial tasks set by the artist, what are the features of his handwriting. Of course, every art critic, exploring the works of painting, sets himself similar tasks. But he is not always able to solve them. Sometimes he deliberately avoids the deepest and most subtle problems of painting skill, because he is not sure of his rightness and is afraid to reveal his incompetence in the face of the reader-artist. There is no such problem for the Swamp. Moreover, it is as if she deliberately steps into the most dangerous territory and boldly walks on it.

D.V.Sarabyanov «In memory of a student and a colleague»

1971. Still life in Russian painting of the 18th and 19th centuries. Dissertation. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Faculty of History, Department of History of Russian and Soviet Art. The manuscript

1972. Still life of Soviet artists. Moscow, Soviet artist

1977. Ilya Mashkov. The series «Masters of our time». Moscow, Soviet artist

1979. From the epistolary heritage of P.P. Konchalovsky. Introductory article, publication of texts, comments.- Art, No. 4

1981. Osmerkin. Reflections on art. Letters. Criticism. Memoirs of contemporaries. Comp. and the general editorship of A.Y.Nikich. Introductory article, comments, preparation of texts for publication, compilation of sections «Chronicle of life and creativity», «Autobiography. Letters. Articles, etc.», «Documents of social and pedagogical activity» and «Criticism» with A.V. Shcherbakov. Moscow, Soviet artist

1989г.Problems of Russian and Soviet still life, Moscow. Soviet artist

1993.Russian still life, Moscow, Art

2000. Russian still life, Moscow, Art

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